Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We are still waiting for the okay from Salt Lake for the branch to open, in the mean time we are working closely with Elders Hussie and Bybee. We have been going to appointments with them and helping teach. The elders found a young mother who knew a member of the church (Renee) but had not been able to find where church services were because the branch here was closed, the sign on the door had faded (we immediately made a new one) We have been teaching Amy (the friend) and Rachel (the sister of Renee), they have attended church three times now and their children really enjoy Primary. We see Amy regularly in the library. Yesterday she told me that she had downloaded the Gospel Library on her phone. She was excited to tell me she had read the introduction to the Book of Mormon while she was waiting for an appointment. YEA! a righteous use of technology! Amy has two daughters Molly and Morgan and a son Joe-Joe(Joseph). Molly and Morgan love Primary. Sunday Molly had a handout with CTR on it, I asked them if they knew what it stood for, Morgan the 6 year old blurted out "CHOOSE THE RIGHT".
I am including a picture of our District, which is now changed- they had transfers and because of the increase of Elders and Sisters President Wirthlin split our district- we will no longer have the other Senior missionaries in our District, we are sad we had become good friends, however they are completing their mission in mid May, but we will not have as much of an opportunity to get to know the couple that will be replacing them. I am sure more changes will be coming, we are just glad that we do not get transferred like the Elders and Sister do.

We always take a funny one too!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

As you see my posts decreasing you will know that the work is increasing. We are enjoying working with Elder Hussie from Roosevelt, Utah and Elder Bybee from Salem, Oregon. These two wonderful young men are very hard workers and very obedient . Working together as a team has allowed us to increase the work in this area. Last week we had nine investigators come to church. This is amazing, considering the animosity toward the church in this area.

We had the opportunity to go on a youth outing several weeks ago, a member of the Ogdensberg branch is a Apache helicopter pilot stationed at Ft. Drum, New York. He received permission to take a youth group on a tour. We were shown where the Air Traffic Controllers are trained on simulators and then the actual controllers talked with us about their jobs.

We had the "weatherman" tell us his job.

 Then we saw the different helicopters:

The helicopter pilot (in the uniform) that arranged the activity will be leaving next month for Afghanistan. This is his second tour. The young man getting into the "Black Hawk" in this picture is his son.

Then everyone that wanted to was able to fly on the simulators. Philip got motion sickness so he spent that time visiting a young officer about the church.

We are still volunteering at the Public Library in Massena twice a week. We enjoy helping and getting to know more people.

The St. Lawrence River had a ice breaker come through several weeks ago to clear the river for the barges that will be coming down for grain and supplies. The Eisenhower Locks are located here. It is interesting to watch as they go through the locks.
Since the weather is getting better we are taking walks every morning near our apartment building. We found a great 2.5 mile walk that includes a apple orchard. The trees are budding and we are looking forward to the beautiful apple blossoms soon.


There is also a Cider House near by that will start selling apples, cider and cider donuts in late August.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Friday March 22, 2013 we traveled to Syracuse, New York. We went with another senior couple that is serving in Ogdensberg, New York. This trip was planned several weeks ago. At our last zone meeting we were told that we would be having an all mission conference and meeting with Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy and his wife, Bishop Dean M. Davies of the Presiding Bishopric and his wife, Elder Gordon H. Smith, Area Seventy of the Northeast, President Joseph B. Wirthlin Jr. New York Utica Mission (our mission president) and his wife and President Jack R. Christianson of the New York Rochester Mission. Prior to this event were asked to fast and to read and study three of Elder Bednar talks;Seek Learning By Faith, an address to CES Religious Educators, Converted unto the Lord and Ask in Faith . We were admonished to prepare to receive revelation.
 Our meeting started at 9:00 a.m. but we were told to be there by 8:30. As the meeting opened you could feel the anticipation of all those in attendance. Elder Bednar put everyone at ease and told us he would not put anyone on the spot. He admonished us not to take notes unless it was something we felt the spirit was teaching us, and what the spirit taught may not have anything to do with what was being said, he taught us that by taking notes and keeping ourselves so busy trying to write everything down we would miss many things. After he finished talking he opened up the meeting for questions and answers, however the only questions that could be asked were ones that pertained to the leaders in attendance and the position they held. He said not to ask scriptural questions because we all have the same scriptures and we can all receive the same answers. The Elders and Sisters asked many wonderful questions and really reaffirmed to us the spiritual maturity of these young people and how well prepared they are to serve the Lord. At the close of the meeting we sang the New York Utica Mission Song:

We have been born, as Nephi of old,
to goodly parents who love the Lord.
We have been taught, and we understand,
that we must do as the Lord commands.
We have been saved for these latter days
To build the kingdom in righteous ways.
We hear the words our prophet declares:
"Let each who's worthy go forth share."
We know his plan, and we will prepare,
Increase our knowledge through study and prayer,
Daily we'll FIND, FOR WE HAVE BEEN called
To take the gospel to all the world.

We are as the army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we ARE NOW the Lord's missionaries
To bring NEW YORK his truth
original song by Janice Kapp Perry
At the end of the meeting were went row by row to shake hands with all of the visiting authorities. It was a wonderful day. Elder Huff (Philip) stayed for the second meeting for leaders. While they were meeting I spent sometime helping the sisters in Syracuse prepare  the meal for the General Authorities, after the four hour meeting with the leaders and the meal, Elder Bednar and the others spoke with the young single adults.
 We talked to President Wirthlin later in the week and Philip expressed his appreciation to him for admonishing all the missionaries to prepare for the meeting. Elder Wirthlin got tears in his eyes and shared with us that Elder Bednar had told him what superb missionaries were in this mission.

We have been praying for  people to move into this area along with the less active  and active members. We heard on the radio and Sunday it was confirmed by the branch president in Malone  that Alcoa Aluminum will be creating 500 more jobs and that the EPA is doing a multimillion dollar project on the river, that will also bring people to the area. We feel that the little branch will be blessed with some strong members and help those struggling here, We are at a point now that we feel the branch will be able to function with the members we have contacted, although some are reluctant. Please remember them in your prayers.

Easter Sunday we took a couple of sisters to church with us, Linda Holmes is a less active member we have been teaching, she is doing well and has been coming to church with us regularly and Nicole Lord who is taking the discussions with the elders and should be baptized soon. We had both sisters and Elder Hussey and Bybee for Easter dinner. It was fun!

I have pictures of our district and our new elders in Massena that I will be posting soon.